Reformed Baptist Systematic Theologies




Reformed Baptists haven't produced the volume of writing that the Reformed Presbyterians have, but quantity isn't everything! The independent nature of most Baptist works hasn't historically supported the collegiate framework that fosters academic writing. Perhaps a case of stewarding the precious resources of time and energy for the work of evangelism and missions. The gap has been filled by many baptist authors who laboured on topical issues. But there are Systematic Works by Baptists and the following links indicate the quality and rigour of their efforts. Though differing from conservative Reformed Presbyterians and Paedobaptist Independents on the understanding of the covenant, the identity of the church and, of course, the baptism of babies, there is an overwhelming degree of common ground on the essentials of the Christian Faith.


John Gill -A Body of Divinity
John Gill's Body of Divinity. The Systematic Theology by a British Calvinistic Baptist.
John Gill's Discourse on the Covenants from Body of Divinity
John Gill on the Covenant.
J L Dagg - Manual of Theology
 JLDagg�s Manual of Theology (Volume 1). A Baptist Systematic theology by an American Southern Baptist
J L Dagg - Manuall of Church Order
 JL Dagg's Manual of Church Order (being the second volume of his Manual of Theology). Very helpful on the identity of the church and onreasons against paedobaptism.
James Petigru Boyce -Abstract of Systematic Theology
 James Petigru Boyce's Systematic theology. Another American Baptist Systematic Theology.
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