The End Times Table.
This table cross references individual references to end times events and terms used to describe when they occur, as they are given throughout the New Testament excluding the book of Revelation. I think that studying and reconciling the various passages leads to the conclusion that the terms and events are approximately simultaneous, i.e. all occur in one sequence in one great episode without significant delays. This is historically known as the Amillenial view, there being no 1000 year (millenial) reign of the resurrected saints with Christ on earth before the resurrection of the wicked dead. There is much more to the detailed study of eschatology than this, but it is a most useful starting point and, at the very least, the handiest list of the passages to be accommodated by any scheme.
Terms used to Describe the End of the World
Events associated with the End of the World |
The End of the World |
Manifestation |
Appearing |
The Last Trumpet |
Revelation |
The Coming |
The Day |
Saints Resurrected |
1 Pet 5:4 |
1 Cor 15:51,52 |
1 Peter 1:13 |
1 Cor 15:23 |
John 6:39,40,44,54 |
General Resurrection |
John 11:24 |
General Judgement |
2 Tim 4:1 |
Matt 16:27 |
Acts 17:31 |
Separation of Saints from Wicked |
Matt 13:40-43;47-50 |
Matt 24:30,31 |
Luke 17:29,30,34,35 |
Matt 24:37, 40 |
Saints Rewarded |
Matt 13:40,43 |
2 Tim 4:8 |
1 Thess 4:15-17 |
1 Peter 1:13 |
2 Thess 1:10, 2:1 |
1 Cor 3:13-15 2 Thess 1:10 2 Thess 4:8 |
Wicked Punished |
Matt 13:49,50 |
2 Thess 2:8 |
2 Thess1:7-10 |
2 Thess 1:10, 2:8 |
2 Thess 1:10 |
Acknowledgement: After Biblical Studies in Final Things by William E Cox pub P&R